Logo Sketch

I had a difficult time thinking of a logo for my website, but I decided on this one because it is simple and effectively communicates my views on the issues I am going to be discussing on my website. I am not sure what font I am going to end up using for my final logo, so the script in the logo pictured was just a rough sketch of where the text is going to be.

Final Graphic Collage

My collage is enforcing my topic, which is speaking about social issues that I care about, by showcasing a broad range of images, each representing a different issue, surrounding a bunch of hands that form a heart. In the center of this heart is the image of a little girl holding a sign that says “Love not Hate”. This reinforces my overarching belief that love should always trump hate in the world. The other images represent a lot of issues that I care about. Represented by the image in the top left represents the need for increased funding into climate change protection, represented by the top right and the bottom right are certain international relation issues, such as taking in more refugees from war torn countries and eliminating xenophobia toward middle eastern immigrants, represented by the bottom left is homelessness, represented by the middle left is LGBT rights, represented by the middle right is gun violence protection, and the bottom middle just depicts someone holding a sign that says ‘Resist,’ which represents my belief to always stand up for what you think is right.

The entire technical process that I followed for creating the collage is; I selected the hands forming the heart with the quick selection tool, and then inverted it so the background would be selected instead, and then cut out the background using the ‘Layer via Cut’ option. I also had to recolor each image due to preexisting filters on the images, so I created an adjustment layer for each image that needed recolored, and used the Hue/Saturation tool to make sure they were all colored in the same manner. I then loaded all of the other images into Photoshop and used the quick selection tool and the ‘Layer via Cut’ tool to crop out the excess parts of the image that overlapped with the other images. The revisions to this collage from the draft collage are minimal. Using the peer critiques, I realized that a lot of my images needed to be better blended with each other, so I increased the feathering around the hands, and used the auto-blend tool to blend the images of the children and the climate justice protest together so there wasn’t such a harsh edge between them. I also increased the saturation of the images in the background to make them more vibrant.

Photo Credits: Photo by Harrison Haines from Pexels – Love Not Hate

Photo by ATC Comm Photo from Pexels – Hands Forming Heart

Image by <a href=”https://pixabay.com/users/WikiImages-1897/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=63175″>WikiImages</a&gt; from <a href=”https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=63175“>Pixabay</a>

https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1198219 – Children

Photo by Paddy O Sullivan from Pexels – Our Lives Our In Your Hands

Photo by Timi Keszthelyi from Pexels – LGBT Protest

Photo by Sides Imagery from Pexels – Resist

Photo by Vincent M.A. Janssen from Pexels – Climate Justice

Photo by Knelstrom ltd from Pexels – No to Islamaphobia

Draft Graphic Collage

This collage puts together a bunch of images that each symbolize social justice issues that I care about surrounding a bunch of hands forming a heart, and in the center of the heart is a little girl holding a sign that says Love not Hate. My topic for this blog is issues that I care about and I believe the collage does a good job of reflecting that topic. Issues represented in this collage include Environmental Justice, LGBT Rights, Homelessness, issues in the Middle East, and the general overarching ideology that people should love over hate.

The technical process that I followed for creating the collage is I selected the hands forming the heart with the quick selection tool, and then inverted it so the background would be selected instead, and then cut out the background using the ‘Layer via Cut’ option. I also had to recolor each image due to preexisting filters on the images, so I created an adjustment layer for each image that needed recolored, and used the Hue/Saturation tool to make sure they were all colored in the same manner. I then loaded all of the other images into Photoshop and used the quick selection tool and the ‘Layer via Cut’ tool to crop out the excess parts of the image that overlapped with the other images.

Photo Credits: Photo by Harrison Haines from Pexels – Love Not Hate

Photo by ATC Comm Photo from Pexels – Hands Forming Heart

Image by <a href=”https://pixabay.com/users/WikiImages-1897/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=63175″>WikiImages</a&gt; from <a href=”https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=63175“>Pixabay</a>

https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1198219 – Children

Photo by Paddy O Sullivan from Pexels – Our Lives Our In Your Hands

Photo by Timi Keszthelyi from Pexels – LGBT Protest

Photo by Sides Imagery from Pexels – Resist

Photo by Vincent M.A. Janssen from Pexels – Climate Justice

Photo by Knelstrom ltd from Pexels – No to Islamaphobia


Hello! This blog is going to be covering a variety of topics, anywhere from sexual assault to gentrification, but the overarching theme that I want to convey with my various projects is discussing important issues that I am passionate about. Posts and projects will be both possibly informative and just sharing my opinion on these issues, or maybe even seeing them from my point of view. I am passionate about many social justice issues and want to make helping people who are falling victim to these issues my future career, which is why I chose this topic. I hope that this topic is something that will be pertinent to my future and will stay relevant outside of this class and into my career. Also, through creating these projects, I could inform others and inform myself.

As someone who was born in and grew up in an area near some bad, impoverished areas, I believe that it will be easy to obtain photo, video and audio, because a lot of the issues that I will be discussing are occurring in my own backyard.

Some ideas that I have for the projects are creating a video about the gentrification, that is, the process of reconstructing a poorer town to cater more toward upper class residents to create a more affluent residency, which as a result displaces the original, poorer residents of the town. I believe this is happening to a town near my hometown, and think that I could create a video documenting and talking about these changes. Another idea that I have is for the audio story is about sexual assault on college campuses, and I could interview some girls that I know on campus and ask how safe they truly feel on campus.

Websites that will pose as inspiration for my website are as follows:


