Final Logo

I struggled to think of design ideas for my logo. My original sketch was a peace sign with my name on it, because I thought it encompassed my blog topic, but that seemed too simple and I didn’t think it was a good fit. So, I decided on a circle encompassing two people holding hands, because I thought it better fit my blog topic.

I first, I made two circles using the ellipsis tool. The outside one I made a larger size and black, and the inner one was white, and made sure that they were an equidistant apart. I then used a picture of two people holding hands and traced it inside of the white inner circle using the pencil tool. I then used the paintbrush tool and drew my name in cursive freehand because I thought it looked better than with a font. I overlapped the type with the circle to make it look more interesting and bold. 

Then, after I got critiqued by my peers I decided there was a lot I needed to change about my logo. So, I used the peer critiques and made the circle smaller, and changed the location of the font so that it was not overlapping with the circle. Already I thought my logo looked better than it had before. Then, I decided that the black color was being used too much and the original hot pink color was too vibrant and harsh, so I changed the circle to a light pink color and changed the font to that same color. I thought this lighter color made it a lot more pleasing to the eye.

I then also decided, based on my self critique, that I needed to clean up the outline of the hands a lot. I deleted a lot of the smaller details of the outline, such as smaller lines, and straightened out all of the lines using the option key on my laptop with the pencil tool. I knew I needed to make the image a lot cleaner and simpler, so I deleted and redid a lot of the lines so they looked better. Also, since I freehanded my name on the image, I decided I wanted to try to redraw it to make it look neater, so I kept redrawing my name until I got a result that I was satisfied with.

The photo credits for the picture that I outlined: Photo by Albert Rafael from Pexels

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